Cazics Home


Basic Construction

Finish, Interior

Heating, Cooling, Humidity Suppliers

Welcome to my home! Come on in and have some salad! Todays recipe is Collard Greens, Dandelion Greens, and yellow Bell Pepper, with a dressing of Apple Cider Vinegar. Very tasty, and healthy too.

In November of 2002 I came into a bit of good fortune and was able to move from some low-rent, subsidized housing at the Palo Alto Animal Services into a small but well situated apartment near downtown Palo Alto. The apartment has heated floors and large glass patio doors/windows through which I can watch the local squirrels, birds, cats, and other things. The apartment is nice, but needed some obvious improvements before I could feel truly at home. So I hired a contractor to build me a swinging bachelor pad Tour My pad

All information on this site is © Robert Allen, All Rights Reserved, unless otherwise noted. Information here may be used freely as long as it materially benefits Iguanas and credit is given to this site and to the habitat design work of James W. Hatfield III, author of "Green Iguana, The Ultimate Owners Manual"..

Last changed on: May 8, 2006